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Mangistau region

Kunshuak kindergarden


Welcome to the official website of the state communal treasury enterprise "No. 17 "Kunshuak" nursery school" of the Aktau city education department of the Mangistau region education department! On the pages of our website, we will try to tell you as much as possible about the "Kunshuak" nursery school.
You will be provided with detailed information about the operation of the nursery.
In addition, you can get to know our kindergarten teachers outside. In our work, we always say "Feel at home!" We will try to fulfill the phrase. That is why every child likes the warm and cozy atmosphere of our kindergarten.
The design capacity of the kindergarten is 280 seats. Currently, 272 children are being educated in the kindergarten. Bebekzhai works in two languages: state and Russian. All conditions have been created for education and education of children in the kindergarten. It should be noted that there is a room for methodologists - 1; Kazakh language room -1; psychologist's office - 1; music hall - 1; fine arts room - 1; gym-1; speech therapist office -1; medical office -1; isolation room-1, 10 group rooms (reception, play, bedrooms) and a consultation center for children from 2 to 6 years old.
The annual goal of the nursery school is to develop communicative and creative abilities of preschool children using ICT technology (TRIZ).
All events held in the kindergarten are published on the website of the kindergarten, on Facebook and Instagram social networks.
The kindergarten team works with the life and health of its children as the main focus.


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